Frequently asked questions.

  • How long is the delivery? 
    We ship from different location worldwide as we are direct manufacturer distributor, most of products delivery time takes 12-21 days.
  • How much shipping costs? 
    Shipping is free for United States.
  • Are returns free?
    Returns are not free, but if any product arrives damage we will replace it without having to return the original one. 
  • Is there any warranty?
    Warranty provided by manufacturer if you received the product with any issues just reach back to us and we will do our best to help.
  • How do I contact customer service?
    By email at [email protected] or using this form https://greensu.shop/pages/contact-us

Navidium - Tracking and Package Protection

What is Navidium?

We’ve partnered with Navidium—a package protection and tracking solution, to give our customers the best possible delivery experience.